Simple Smart Soft التطبيقات

Home finance and shopping lists v2.1.2
Simple Smart Soft
Smart Shopping Lists Finance - home finance and smart shoppinglist. Nowadays, a trip to the supermarket is useless without ashopping list. We always try to make sure we haven't forgottenanything, we constantly double check on everything, and endlesslyend up repeating our shopping lists over and over again. And yet wealways end up missing an item or two. Let alone, underestimatingprices of grocery and running out of cash before even being halfwaythrough your shopping list. With Smart Shopping ListsFinance(SSLF), your shopping list is created in a single click!'Why "Smart"?' you may ask, it's simple - our list is self-taught!(It's enough just to make purchases and popular products are alwaysat hand.) And right before your next trip to the groceries store,you just have to select your desired products, and automatically,the required quantity and prices will be filled. As we trulybelieve that free time is very precious, and shouldn't be wastedaround uselessly, with SSLF you can easily shortcut your time spentin supermarkets. With our synchronization feature, you will be ableto access your Smart Shopping List through multiple devices,allowing you and your family to get engaged in on the shopping,without overspending or forgetting anything. You'll be done soquickly that you'll even have time to grab a cup of coffee! Wealways get frustrated when way before the end of the month, wefound our wallet already drained and start scratching our head, inall frustration wondering where the money have gone. Our shoppinglist will help by always showing you how much, where and when yourmoney was spent. Main functions: • voice entry of the shoppinglist; • adding items to the shopping list with one click from thepopular catalog; • creating your own list of categories andproducts, with the possibility of grouping any nesting; • icongallery for categories and products; • the ability to create orselect a photo for categories and products; • manage any number ofpurses, groupings of any nesting; • the ability to add, edit anddelete operations on purses: income, expenses, transfers; •creating your own list of supermarkets and places of spending andincomes; • opportunity to quickly search for a spend or incomeoperation by periods; • statistics of expenses in the form ofgraphs and diagrams; • quick input of costs or revenues usingwidgets; • the ability to synchronize data between multipledevices; • cooperative editing of data both offline and online; •import and export data for transfer to another device; • preventingthe device from switching to sleep mode; • the ability to create agallery of photo checks and convenient functionality to create ashopping list for them.
Shopping list - My List v4.6.0
Simple Smart Soft
Quick shopping list with voice input of products, prices and sync.